
October 26, 2024




Life in Israel is never dull.

We went to bed around 8 pm (20:00). It became necessary. One never knows if we have a full night's sleep or not. We didn't tonight.

Praise God - around 4 am a siren woke us up. The phone fell out of my hands a few times while I tried to leave a message to our “checking on everyone in the North group”.

Sleeping”, I finely wrote and turned over in bed to continue my sleep. Around 6 am a siren + loud announcement "Earthquake" shook us up.

- “Earthquake, we have to leave the buildings, away from falling stones and such, get going”.

  • Do you feel anything? “

  • No, but I heard the voice”

  • but...”

  • no buts, the alarm sounds 5 minutes before the event; get dressed”

I just made up that rule. I am slow, and I had to add socks and shoes for safely running down the stairs. Misty was as calm as they came. My friend upstairs did not show up. Willie peeked outside - people gathered on the sidewalk.

We started to pray out loud, for wisdom, protection and peace of heart. Whatever happens, do not be afraid, you have Yeshua overseeing all.

Still in bewilderment, we went down our 60 stairs to talk to the young neighbours who made it outdoors and were as unsure as us. We prayed and felt safe but that was the first time ever for that announcement.

The outside cats gathered for their customary breakfasts and for patting; they showed no signs of worry. “the animals are peaceful” said the lady from the next building “It must have been a false alarm”.

It also was the second time for morning exercise, we need to be in shape over here. 

I called Hot-line #106 of our municipality and waited for a long time for an answer. The entire city was online! “We just got that alarm like you did. All we know is that all is clear and you can go back home”. The young voice was calm and assuring; we returned home.

Notices came in from everywhere on the globe - “Israel hit military targets in Iran; Israel blow up 380 tons of explosives in an underground city in Lebanon, it set off the alarm for Northern Israel”

I was still putting my socks and shoes on and they already knew the reason and the result. Amazing.

What is even more amazing to me is that the army bosses named the strike on Iran “Operation Days of Repentance”.

07:20 – A statement from the spokeswoman of Nahariya Municipality:

Following the warnings that were heard regarding an earthquake in large areas of the country, the IDF stated that it was a false discovery and there is no fear of a security incident.
🔸 The IDF attacked Iran tonight, and our forces returned safely, we are in tense days but as of now there is no change in the defensive instructions for the city.”

It is 08:35 now, and it is good to know that everything is still in the hands of God.

As I often say, it is never dull in Israel. We would be so bored in a Canadian Old Age Facility... Thank God He called us home.

(Isaiah 46:11) Calling a bird of prey from the east,
The man who executes My counsel, from a far country.
Indeed I have spoken it;
I will also bring it to pass.
I have purposed it;
I will also do it. 

October 23, 2024


NAHARIYA, ISRAEL. Wednesday. 23.10.24

Today, is “Hoshana Raba”, meaning “Save Us Abba” (Father). A day of prayers, asking God for His salvation from all the enemies of the nation. There are lots of them right now and the prayers' area at the Kotel (Western Wall) in Jerusalem is packed.

I thank God that the nation is turning toward Him for help and acknowledging that only He can truly save us.

Tomorrow, is “Simchat Torah”, meaning, “Joy of the Torah” (God's law. The first 5 books of the bible). A day of gladness, for God gave us His word, His law thus declaring us His nation. However, tomorrow, (as per our Jewish calendar) is also a year to October 7 Massacre.

(Isaiah 61:3)

To console those who mourn in Zion,
To give them beauty for ashes,
The oil of joy for mourning,
The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
That they may be called trees of righteousness,
The planting of the
Lord, that He may be glorified.”

Tomorrow, will be a day of immense gladness only if all the abducted hostages return home; only if God will turn the sadness, the heartaches, and

the horrors of the massacre into a day of freedom and return our people home.

(Jeremiah 31:16-17)

Refrain your voice from weeping,
And your eyes from tears;
For your work shall be rewarded, says the
And they shall come back from the land of the enemy.
There is hope in your future, says the
That your children shall come back to their own border.”

October 22, 2024





This coming Shabbat the Torah reading starts over again, from its very beginning.

(Genesis 1:1)

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

That's the fact of our existence. God is. He created. Without Him, there is no life. When we start our day, our meditation is on Him. Our questions are toward Him and our answers are from Him.

God is the antidote for the stress and the fear and all these other things that we are experiencing daily in Israel. Over ½ the country was in bomb shelters this past night and early morning.

But we know that He is our Iron Dome.

Moses wrote as he was instructed by God, for the future leaders of Israel:

(Deuteronomy 17:18)

Also it shall be, when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write for himself a copy of this law in a book, from the one before the priests, the Levites. “

We pray continually for our leaders to follow God's direction and to have His wisdom.

When Joshua was instituted as the general of Israel after Moses, God commanded him,

(Joshua 1:8-9) “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

It is always the same command. It is always the same direction. Follow God. Meditate on His Word. It brings you blessings. God's Word gives you long life, wisdom, direction for your daily needs, health, strength and courage. It is your protection, always.

October 21, 2024


NAHARIYA, ISRAEL. Monday. 21.10.24

(Matthew 4:16)

The people who
sat in darkness have seen a great light,
And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned.”

This verse was in my head when I woke up. My sight has been blurring in the last few days, and it is nagging at me. So I hear the Lord, and I think of the practical application for my eyes.

My heart is aching continuously for the abducted hostages. I pray for their release and ask God to bring them home miraculously. As do my prayer partners.

In our early morning prayer meeting this verse was repeated. I took it as a confirmation that God is hearing our prayers, sees our hearts and attends to our hopes.

God looks at everything through the view of eternity” - my best friend Helene [26 Oct 1942 - 19 Nov 2015], used to repeat often. As her birthday approaches, I remember her teaching. It still guides me, corrects my thoughts and brings me back to a closer relationship with Him.

In the current situation, as the war being referred to, it is not easy to keep my heart and mind on Him. The atmosphere around us affects my emotional state and sadness seeps into my being and floods it . I need to struggle often toward joy and hope and swim upward to God. At times it feels like I'm drowning, but a lifeline always thrown at me from somewhere helping me to hang on and surface up again.

Willie adopted a new habit, he reads Psalms to me each night. Surprisingly, it helps me to sleep more peaceful. God is my lifeline. I pray that the people around us will see Him also and surface up from the sadness that is flooding them. 

October 20, 2024


Comfort Time
NAHARIYA, ISRAEL. Sunday. 20.10.24

I feel the war today”, says my man.

Sirens are on before we leave the house and
when we come back; bombing sounds are loud we see the diversion making little white clouds up in the blue sky while we walk, and the birds are conversing loudly across the treetops in the park. We ran out of “Vegetable & Fruit” capsules for a week and feel sluggish and older. Yes, the war is getting to us.

It was a week of ups and downs. God allowed a rookie to shoot Sinwar and bring a release of breath that non of us knew we held in. What a great saviour we have.

We trust that He will safely bring the abducted hostages home as well.

PM Netanyahu's house in Caesarea was bombed today, and no one was wounded. Bibi and Sara were not home. The house next door was damaged as well.

We were blessed by a couple who hosted us in their Sukkah in Nahariya, and another couple are waiting for us to arrive in their place tomorrow in another town and join them in their booth on the balcony. We are debating that trip since we will need to take the train. So far, however, public transportation is flowing easily across the country.

God is keeping us well hidden from all harm. 

(JER 16:19) O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction...

October 17, 2024


NAHARIYA, ISRAEL. Thursday.17.10.24

Matching Colors

Chag Sameach. It is the first day of Sukkot, thus a Shabbat.

In the past two hours Northern Israel from the Mediterranean Sea, along the Confrontation Line, as far as the Central and Upper Galilee, experienced barrages of sirens and rockets. I am praying that all of our friends and family in these areas are well, in spirit, soul and body.

I have no special wisdom to bestow on anyone today. However, in my email box arrived a write-up from my husband Willie. I copied it here:

Today's Daily Manna

Walk In Wisdom

(Ephesians 5:15-16) See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Entering Into The Manifest Presence Of God

Does anyone need to be told that the days we live in are evil? Do we need to be reminded that Satan has come to kill, steal, and destroy lives in this world? But we need to be reminded of the walk-in wisdom, to be aware of what is happening around us and not to let Satan influence our thoughts to where we leave behind all wisdom. To walk as foolish children, treating life as a game we must learn to play. I have been told that I can be very intense and that I am so spiritually minded that I am no worldly good.

What the world needs is some light to shine into their lives. They need an example of a Godly lifestyle that they can look to that will lead them out of their chaos. Therefore, we must redeem our time, during our day, to make the best use of our living testimony. We live our lives to the glory of God, and in a way that allows people to see that there is an alternative to the life they are living. Our time here on this earth is limited and the return of Jesus for His bride is near. Soon the trumpet will blow calling us home.

Amen! Have a happy Sukkot - it is the law of God,

(Deutoronomy 16:14) And thou shalt rejoice in thy feast, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy man-servant, and thy maid-servant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, that are within thy gates.

October 15, 2024



Our Weapons

Slowly I opened my eyes this morning to another cloudy cover at my window. I slept in. How delightful. The night was quiet.

Until the afternoon I worked at my home business, a great diversion from the war, and talked to friends on social media. I am learning to use the technology, but at times I get confused with too much information and so many groups. It's OK, in this arena it is not a life and death issue.

My wonderful husband helps out. He cooked French toast for breakfast, warmed up leftovers for lunch, and just called me to the table... how special is that! After lunch he went down to the grocery store to buy some ice cream... a-ha... by then the sky was blue again.

Sirens pierced the quiet air. First time ever that he was outside when that happened. I thought, “he is closer to the underground shelter, that's good”. Then the sky exploded right above our window, you can see the small cloud forming where the Iron Dome hit something flying. The door opened, “oh, did you go to the shelter?” “No, I have ice cream it'll melt”. Priorities become rather sharp and focused at war.

Friends checked with us. One, from Netaniya, made me laugh. She wrote:

here's my only in Israel moment from yesterday!!
I was in Yochananof [
a grocery store] in the queue with a million others and the app on my phone went off - I shouted out “tzeva adom” [red alert] like a crazy woman and the man next to me is like shtuyot [non-sense] (can't be bothered typing in Hebrew!) and then there was an announcement and we all started running towards the miklat [safe underground] of course it was the furthest away point at this stage!!! Down 3 flights of stairs into the bowels of the building to this massive miklat and I thought OK if there is something big I actually feel quite safe down here!!! 10 minutes later we're back out and back to the queues with everyone arguing about who was in front of who - and life returns to normal!!!”

A very Israeli moment indeed.

The sky is blue, and Willie is watching old Star Trek. It is time to share some ice cream.

(Psalm 34:8)
Oh, taste and see that the
Lord is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

October 13, 2024



Sirens off and on today - all is well.

(Ephesians 4:23-24) and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

Yum Kippur was quiet in Nahariya, in the Haifa area there were rockets. Today, we had two sirens in the morning and other areas of the North had sirens in the afternoon. People in stores tell me that the head Rabbi told everyone not to evacuate Nahariya because nothing would happen here. Willie and I agree with him.

We need the spirit of our minds to be renewed.

The young delivery driver refused to drive to Nahariya because it showed on the Red Alert that we had 2 rockets. The fact that they never touched down did not make a bit of difference, he was scared. My fruit order was cancelled and if I want frozen fruit I have to find the competition and see if they deliver. The therapists in Haifa also cancelled our appointments even though we are the ones who travel to the clinic. Fear is taking hold of some young people who feel unsafe. I pray for our IDF, medics, hospitals, and all those in service, they cannot be fearful, it debilitating.

We need the spirit of our minds to be renewed.

Israelis are quick people with quick reactions and quick results. Over a year in a war not of our making, some are tired out, allowing fear to set in, and others cannot force them to change. A type of trauma, one of many.

We need the spirit of our minds to be renewed.

Only God can help us change the spirit of our minds. Only God can remove the fear and trauma and help us to think clearly and recover from confusion into decisive actions. Pray for us that God will help and that we as a people will accept those changes.

Come Holy Spirit and help the spirit of our minds to be renewed. 

October 11, 2024



(Lamentations 5:21)
Return us, O Lord, to you,
and we shall return, 
and our right hand shall be restored 
anew as before.
Yum Kippur – Day of Atonement is at the

On Friday, from the early afternoon, all of
Israel will slowly shut down until all focus
on the last meal before the Holy Fast.

Loud sounds from the border artillery exchange and aircraft
travelling both ways did not stop yet.

The sky was covered with grey clouds this morning, and it is
now back to the Baby Blue of an Israeli Shabbat.

Prayers for the safety of our soldiers and the return of the
hostages did not cease.

We went downtown to buy last minutes items, to pick the
weekend newspaper for the lady next door, and a small gift box
of Dates for the lady upstairs. We stopped at a few stores and
bless them with the traditional blessings of “Gmar Chatima
Tova - May your name be written in the Book of Life - and
“Shanna Tova”, which hopes for our world to live in peace.
The airport will shut down tonight by 14:00 and will resume its
activities by Saturday night at 22:00. TV and Radio stations will
be silent even though we are at war. Only emergency stations
will function.

Shabbat and memorial candles will be lit at 17:31 tonight
Friday 11.10.2024, and will end 25 hours later, on
Saturday, 12.10.2024 at 18:48.

Willie's and my phones will also be silent three hours from
now and we will rest at home until the end of Yum Kippur.

On this Holiest of Days, we ask forgiveness from God as a

nation and from each other as individuals. We believe that He

forgives us and we receive it by faith. It is harder to forgive each

other and to believe that others have forgiven us. Yet,

repentance is the heart of our relationship with God Almighty,

and with it comes forgiveness.

God gave us Yeshua as a sacrifice to pay for our sins and if we

believe in Him we will have an everlasting life. Thus, we forgive

others and receive their forgiveness as well.

Please forgive us if we offended you in any way -
it was not done intentionally.

(Psalm 121:4)

He who keeps Israel

Shall neither slumber nor sleep.

Blessings from the heart of a wounded yet thriving to live - free nation.

I pray for a true Holy Day for all of Israel. 

Gemar Chatima Tova! 


October 10, 2024



(Psalm 70)

Make haste, O God, to deliver me! Make haste to help me, O Lord!

Let them be ashamed and confounded Who seek my life;
Let them be turned back and confused Who desire my hurt.
Let them be turned back because of their shame,

Who say, “Aha, aha!”

Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You;

And let those who love Your salvation say continually, “Let God be magnified!”

But I am poor and needy; Make haste to me, O God!
You are my help and my deliverer; O Lord, do not delay.

I keep thinking that this Hebrew year is the year תשפ"ה = the year of "the mouth".

This year we are to open our mouths, carry our voices and declare God. Declare the God of Israel, the creator of the universe and all that is in it, is our Victorious God, the One who always was, always is and always will be.

A year to declare our love for Him; our trust in Him, and our salvation from Him.

A friend shared today that the Salmon swim against the tide in order to strengthen their young. In this year of “the mouth,” we declare that God helps Israel to continue and swim against the tide! He will give us the strength to go on knowing that only our continual direction toward truth and swimming against the tide, is the reason for our offspring to be strong and for the nation to continue and survive close to 4,000 years.

PSALM 133 

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!

It is like the precious oil upon the head,
Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron,
Running down on the edge of his garments.

 It is like the dew of Hermon,
Descending upon the mountains of Zion;
For there the Lord commanded the
Life forevermore.

October 09, 2024


There are all kinds of angels


Exodus 34:So be ready in the morning and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai, and present yourself to Me there on the top of the mountain.

First thing – coming close to praise God. No matter that Iran is asking for a ceasefire without conditions, that BC Canada hosts Palestinian demonstrations that shout 'death to Canada', that Ukraine is still at war suffering the Russian forces... God is above us all, He controls time and place, and His Word is Truth. His promises will come to pass. Our God Reigns.

We've seen miracles daily, for an entire year. We've seen rockets turning like a boomerang and going back on the enemy that sent it. We've seen a child walking on the street in Haifa, and heavy glass fell down just in front of him but he was not hurt. So many daily miracles. It makes us believe that there must be hostages that are still alive and God will bring them out.

We pray, shouting to the enemy, and to satan who captured them, “Let my people go!” We want to see the Middle East under the reign of Yeshua. Let all of Israel be saved. 

October 08, 2024


iron dome interceptions

I think I can designate us to the “old folk” state as of today.

We both fell asleep in the living room sofas, for the afternoon, while the rockets came from Lebanon and flew over our heads toward the South where the Iron Domes intercepted them.

The picture we took at our South Window is proof for the news items below:

HEZBOLLAH ROCKET HIT in KIRYAT YAM blew out windows in an apartment tower and a hole in the lobby.

.. Hezbollah takes responsibility for shooting at Haifa and the Krayot. (( That’s official responsibility for a war crime - shooting at civilians, not a military site. Awaiting UN, US, UK, and French condemnation. Still waiting. Hmm? ))

⭕LARGE ROCKET BARRAGES TOWARDS HAIFA, KRAYOT, and extended area, as well as TIBERIAS - 85-120 HEZBOLLAH ROCKETS per round - with children in school.

At any rate, we heard the pounding of the artillery and the planes above our heads for too long, and by the afternoon it started to sound like an old Western Movie... By the time the old helicopter flew above with the machine gun, we both fell asleep as if we, the old couple, had been watching TV.

It was a very refreshing sleep.

(Isaiah 26:3)

You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.