
June 22, 2014

Adventurous Retirement

At 70, George Müller set out on the first of his 17 missionary journeys across the world to preach, teach, and share his 45 years' experience in feeding 2000+ orphans daily through prayers.

Moses had 40 years of peace and quiet shepherding sheep in the desert.  At 80 God called him to 40 years of constant arguments leading a million and half souls across the desert who were not as easy to shepherd as the sheep.

Who said there is no purpose for us after retirement?

I believe that if we are open to God and His direction, we'll be used in a capacity that is so adventurous, that we'll be surprise how did we managed all our life to do otherwise. 

I believe that way because Willie and I have the greatest adventure of our lives right now; we pray often, meet people daily, see God's miracle around us and in us, feeling joy bubbling inside us, and living a hope that cannot be described, in a peaceful surrounding that cannot be explained.

I think that retirement for us is when the real fun begins…

173rd Day of Praise -
I thank You God for taking us through an adventurous retirement that we had never predicted nor planned for ourselves.  Thank You God for your creativity.

Just Happy Inside,


1 comment:

Ann Gardner said...

Very well stated surely is an adventure!