
June 24, 2014

Minute Surprises

I love little unexpected events…I had two of these minute surprises happened today.

I went upstairs to visit my neighbour.  She had asked me before to come by, but most times I'm too busy or just don't feel comfortable to sit in on her too long.  Today, I went up, just to check how she is doing, since she lives alone.  We went to the balcony and here is a board all set up for shesh-besh (Middle East name for backgammon).

We had two games.  She beat me 2:0

Earlier, we went to one of our restaurants just to have a break from home cooking. We found a new item on the menu - we tried it - we found the Ukrainian beef sausages we did not have since Canada; A great palate surprise.

175th Day of Praise -
Thank You God for a day with Minute Surprises just for the fun of it.

Good night,


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