For the last
three week there is a post on Face Book that reads, "Not my circus, not my
monkeys". A long while back, people would say, "read my
hand". These sayings boil down to the same thing - if it does not
interest me, I rather not get involved.
My earlier
Israeli memories take me to another time.
We used to
freely walk in and out of each other homes; we checked into other people pots
to see what's cooking, and we ran to the neighbours at the first call for
Not so in
Canada. I only knew the people next door to me by sight and after many
months also by the greeting "good morning". I reasoned at the
time that since Canada has no wars they did not need to develop the culture of
helping and of knowing each other; after all they'll never need the neighbors'
The Israel I
returned to has changed from my early years. People now are more reserved
and keep to themselves. Even a response to a call for help is frowned on
and if you call the police or an ambulance, the intrusion is not forgiven easily.
Last night,
Willie showed me the following verse and we decided that since the Bible says
so, we'll try to remember that "this is not our circus"….
Proverbs 26:17
He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own is like one who takes a
dog by the ears
178th Day of Praise -
Thank you God for Your Word that is a light unto my feet
and a direction for my life
Staying Aloof,
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