
July 14, 2014

Attitude Change

Taking Cover
 How do you deal with stress?

Over time I noticed that most people deal with the various levels of stress in somewhat similar ways.  I've seen reactions which vary from withdrawing and becoming a recluse to explosions of anger and violence.  Most times, these reactions are within specific parameters adhered to social norms.  But the reactions I see and experience myself to the stress of war are new to me.

Logic does not cut it.  No amount of logical explanation can smooth the range of emotions that are badgering a person under fire.

If I recall correctly, Tolstoy in Anna Karenina wrote, "All is fair in love and war".  Is it? 

How fair is it when news are filled with lies but readers don't even react to the hateful pictures or the musical slogans; yet, they react negatively to a warning or a speech full of hope?  

When you go to bed in a peaceful state and woken to sirens that scream in your being, but you have no place to hide from the possible rockets that might come down on you.  Is that fair? 

When one side is putting their own little children in front of their soldiers to protect the fighters, and the other side is withdrawing from action so as not to hurt those kids, is that fair?  

Or maybe our sense of fair, right and wrong, truth and lies are all jumbled up so much that it does not have a logical explanation at all and we need to let go of all of it and just find a way to survive this time until peace restored again?

I don't know what tomorrow brings.  I don't even know what today will bring.  But I know Who has both days in His hand.

195th Day of Praise -
I thank You God almighty, the hero of my heart, for holding me close to you and protecting me in this unfair and confusing time of war.  I am thankful that You hold all the tomorrows in Your hand and I need only to put my trust in You.

Early morning, back to bed I go….


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