
July 10, 2014

Quick Answer

We waited for a small package to arrive from Canada.  Our letter-box in the building is being raided every so often; we waited for about a month.

Today, at the main post office they could not find a thing for us. So we prayed.  We prayed for protection over the postal box and that the item will arrive, even today or by Sunday.

Arriving home from the post office, in 30 Celsius above, covered with sweat, we found the notice from the post office. I called.  "It must have arrived when you left, I did not look in the Sack yet", was the answer given to me.  Willie is on his bicycles, back to the post office in this heat - Lord please have the item ready, so he will not have to bike again in the afternoon….

191st Day of Praise -
Thank You God for looking after little things.  In a middle of Operation "A Firm Rock" our daily life continue in peace; No sirens, no rockets in the North.  And the Post Office had my gift all intact.



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