
July 05, 2014

Saturday Night - מוצאי שבת

In Hebrew, "Motzaei Shabbat" literally means The Leaving of the Shabbat. Shabbat is a day of rest, but since it is Holy, it is treated like a queen, thus a person, and at sundown, it leaves until the next week on Friday night when Queen Shabbat returns.

In our city, the Shabbat was peaceful.  We walked a little, slept a bunch, ate periodically, talked a lot, and read the bible.  I started to read the bible sometimes ago in Genesis 1:1 on my way chapter by chapter, as a novel, and today I arrived at Jeremiah 32.  

As in Genesis 18:14, so does in Jeremiah 32: 27 The Lord declares, "Is there anything too hard for me?"

I have to believe that.  When rockets are navigated against children schools, kindergartens and little girls birthday parties; when Molotov Cocktail bottles are thrown at civilian cars driving on an open road; when videos filmed and directed to make the world think that our young men are animals; when each city where Israeli Arabs and Jews have lived in the same neighborhoods for over 60 year in a relative peace, are turning into fire traps, I have to believe that God will sort it out.

Israeli Jews are being attacks from North to South tonight.  The second day from 40 days of the Ramadan Fast was over tonight when Queen Shabbat left.  As Saturday Night arrived, the food was consumed for the evening meal of the fast and the Muslims did not abide by the cease fire but attacked the civilian Jewish population from the inside.

186th Day of Praise -
God, there is nothing too great for you; there is nothing you cannot do; please bring peace to Jerusalem and to Israel and please protect your people.

Extremely sadden,



Carol Brown said...

Praying with you.

Anonymous said...

it saddens me what is happening in Israel and all over the world. I pray for Israel and her people every day and will continue to do so. I ask that you pray for us in Canada , that we continue to keep the values that we learn from the Torah and that we can live side by side in peace..Thank you for your post. Shalom..Eleanor Harris.