
July 08, 2014

Tzuk Eitan or Taking the Gloves Off

Cactus Flower
No one is calling it A War.  

This action does have a name - "Taking the Gloves Off" in English and "Tzuk Eitan" in Hebrew meaning A Firm Rock or A Firm Cliff.

Whatever its name is, 45,000 Reservists were called in and mobilized; Roads are blocked; people are told to stay close to home; Sirens are heard in most parts of Israel.  Seems, only the North is peaceful - above Acco that is, there were riots in Acco last night.

189th Day of Praise -
Thank You God for keeping us in a circle of peace, we believe that Your Peace will spread all over Israel quickly.

Unable to Sleep,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are in our prayers. Stay strong.
Sharon and Jim