
September 12, 2014

A Vision

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"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions."  Joel

I had me one of these …

I closed my eyes and saw Yeshua smiling at me with his long wavy hair and his hands, palm up, extended toward me.  This picture had been in my head for a very long time, and I always smile when it comes and I think to myself, this is my Messiah, this is my shepherd.

But this time it was different…

As Shepherd Yeshua smiled at me, He changed.  He became a king, with a crown on His head; He transformed into a General, with the IDF grabs of war, and He wore a long black robe of the judge with the gavel in His hand.  These four identities changed rapidly until they became one on Him.  Yeshua is all of these things - a shepherd, a king, an army general, a judge.

That was good.  But it did not stop there…

Now the sheep, the flock that I am part of, changed as well.  We no longer were sheep; we changed into a pride of lions.  Among us were lions and lionesses and lion cubs, all walking in one direction as if to attack.  And I knew that the change is here and now; I knew that my place is no longer in a flock of sheep and not even in an army, I am now a hunter, a member of a pride of lions.

These are times of war…

While wars and rumors of wars are spreading on the earth, the war in the heavenly intensifies.  It is time to take our place alongside our shepherd-king-general-judge.  It is time to be ready for the hunt.

255th Day of Praise -
I thank you God for dreams and visions.  I thank you God for counting me among your Pride.

I am a lion, hear me roar…


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