
November 07, 2014

Shabbat Shalom

On Every Corner...
It's been a hard week in Israel.

Major accident in a gas plant; death and wounding in a few areas in Israel, some purposely done; our first big rain with hail balls as big as apples; friends are unexpectedly hospitalized… 

On the personal front we've been battling with health issues and extreme tiredness while continuing to work at our various volunteer jobs and travelling between cities visiting and bringing smiles and encouragements…Life has not been easy this week.

But whatever was meant for evil, God turned to good.

311th Day of Praise -
I thank you God for comforting the people who lost loved ones; for allowing us to make some new friends, for teaching us that all things work together for good for those who live according to your purpose.  I thank you God for the Shabbat…

On my way to translate some teaching,


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