
May 03, 2024



Going back with a new hat.

Counting the days.

We had an unexpected delay on the train from Jerusalem yesterday just before the Ben-Gurion station. We stood up expecting to leave the train at the station, but it stopped before it arrived.

The train was full of young Air Force soldiers returning from special courses in the Capital, they carried no weapons.

how long do you still have to serve?” I asked a young woman across from me.

oh, 112 days, but who is counting?”

We are counting. We are counting the days of the war; we are counting the hours of the abducted underground, we are counting the minutes the air will last in the train car that stopped the windows were closed and the air circulation ceased. We waited for 1 hour and 7 minutes.

The only explanation we were given was that our train met another train. No, they did not collide.

People were laughing, wiping brows, sitting on the floor and exchanging words, and only the inspectors and train security were moving, running back and forth, heavy guns in hand, between the cars.

The connection to the internet stopped. People were concerned about others who were waiting for them at their destinations. Communications were opened between the passengers. Willie and I prayed. I suggested to some religious looking guy to sit by his rabbi and pray (he was getting agitated), “I prayed my prayer and this is not my rabbi!” But he did ask the Rabbi a million questions while standing by his seat. Definitely an Israeli.

When the train started to move after an hour and 7 minutes, hands clapped and shouts of “Am Israel Chay” filled the car to the airport.

We exit onto the platform. It was so crowded that we couldn't move. We managed to find a chair. Announcements to evacuate the train to Jerusalem and all others in the station were loud and urgent. The platform was filled with more people. It did not seem possible. Crowds milled around circling themselves. A young policewoman, with a heavy-looking gun (M16?), sat beside us. She tried to help some people but she was not given information or explanation to give others either. People were told at the Station Manager's Office that all platforms were closed and to take buses to their destinations up above.

Within minutes a train going southbound arrived and this time the announcements were to fill it up for all southbound passengers. It stayed in the station for a quarter of an hour constantly announcing for people to board.

Our northbound train arrived at this time and we boarded. It was packed. Looking old is a good thing at these times. We were given seats.

Across from me, a delicate young woman sat alone. We started to talk. I found that she is doing her year of service in Kiryat Arba (biblical Hebron but in modern Israel it is a separate area surrounded by a fence and protected by the army). She works with special needs children. Her train from Jerusalem had no delays. She did not hear about our adventure.

I still have no idea what had happened.

But... we are still counting time.

Shabbat Shalom Everyone. 

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