Followers Always Welcomed


May 17, 2024

Friday. Swords of Iron War. 7 Months + 9 days (224).

17.05.2024. Nahariya, Israel. 24 days to the OMER count.

Our south window is usually open at night. It's been cold in the last few nights, but still, we kept it partially open.

It looks out on a four-block park with three fun playgrounds, three Sinagougs, lots of trees, and two schools. But with all that busyness, it is peaceful and quiet.

We hear the wind in the trees, the birds in their flights, the chicks in their nests, and the men in the Synagogue.

Lovely view. One can stand by the window and enjoy the air and the activities all day long.

The view that I like best is the white fluffy clouds in our Israeli blue sky. It is there that I saw the army of God, heading Northbound a few months back. It is toward the sky above my South window that I lift my eyes and know that God Is.

The sirens woke us up at 05:29:26. It was the first time that I heard the sirens before I heard the rockets. Usually, they whine after the rockets hit. But today, the sirens sounded, then we heard the shouts of the neighbours running downstairs to the shelters, and next we heard the iron dome hitting the rocket. While my cat ran under the bed to her hiding spot, the dogs all around us harmonized their barking. Poor little guys, how does one explain to them that it will be over as fast as it started.

Willie grabbed his android and tried to take pictures of the activities in the sky above us. The attacks came from the North, and the sirens continued until 06:16:07. People stayed in the shelters underground, we stayed home. I participated in the Morning Prayers on Zoom, fully dressed with a headache but in total peace.

We suffered casualties & wounded in the last few days more than before, so much prayer is needed. The attacks are coming from all sides, all the borders. Yet, all the people around us seem to take it all in stride and so far I noticed no trauma. Thank God for answering prayers, we've been praying for trauma-free living.

WE – the nation. We know families whose members are in IDF on earth, sky and sea; children, grandchildren, wives, husbands, parents... every family has someone serving on the front right now. We also met friends and relatives of the Hostages. So WE – the nation – is going through it all together. Thank God He is with us as well.

A fast between May 16-19 is called among the believers. It seems that some international witches are gathering during this time in Israel for whatever it is they do. But then, God told us that we are protected against their activities while we were in the desert, 3000+ years ago. So some will fast and pray and others will pray knowing that God is in control:

(Numbers 23:23) Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel: according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God wrought!

and also it is written:

(Isaiah 54:17) No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the 
Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord.

satan is behind all the wars, physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual. God is against him since the beginning of time. Satan is defeated, we know that Yeshua already defeated him, and the victory will be seen in God's 


Jackie B. said...

Stay safe 🙏

KevinJane Bannister said...

Praying for your safety

Howie said...


Dean Christy said...

He is with us always:
I heard the sound of wings,
opened my eyes to see swans,
touching the tree tops, angels
their wings whiter than white
in the early light,
then gone
leaving silence
a renewed calm
-dean said...

I love your comments, poems, prayers. Keep them coming. Shalom Orith