
June 07, 2024

FRIDAY. 8 months/ Swords of Iron War. 45/Omer.

7.6.24. Nahariya, Israel.

(Ephesians 4:26)“Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath,

It is 8 months today! Yes, I am angry. I prayed last night and calmed down enough to fall asleep. But the anger returned.

I began to get very angry yesterday once I read that there are places that did not begin preparations for citizen protection until this week. What do these municipalities think our soldiers doing all this time? Flying kites?

Some settlements are almost demolished. People were evacuated, leaving behind livestock, planted fields and fruit trees that had to be looked after. Volunteers are still going up there, I am sure that more are needed. Their buildings are being bombed again and again. 

Druze villages, in the North, sent their sons and daughters to the army while the families, after a collective decision not to evacuate, stayed to protect the land. They believed they would be protected in return. Yesterday I read that they feel forgotten. Their local governments are crying out for army backup. Other settlements, Jews and Arabs alike voice the same cry.

My heart just breaks for the Northern dwellers.

On Jerusalem day, a call went out to 50,000 more men and women, a call for reserves by emergency order (order 8).

It is not surprising that so many were called to join the 300,000 reservists who are already serving. It is not a surprise also that the Knesset did not complete the law which demands the men who study the Torah in Yeshivot to join the front line. The surprising part, to me, is that our government expanding the war – and thus the army enlisting – and leaving young families in the home front without a proper economic backup while their bread earners are going to the front. There are only about 10 million lives in our country, 350,000 are less than 1% but these are the strongest, the best. That does not sound right to me.

I see ghost towns in my mind's eyes.

Every war splits, destroys, and brings harm. But this is not just any war. It is a war on the only piece of land IN THE WORLD where Jews can live free to be who they are. It is a war on our very lives. It is a fight for the survival of a whole race of people, the only race that lived over 3,000 years, a race that gave law, order, and leadership and introduced God to humanity.

I have to trust in the God of my forefathers. No one else can keep this race alive and free on its own piece of land.   

But Judah shall abide forever, And Jerusalem from generation to generation. (Joel 3:20)


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