
June 10, 2024

MONDAY. 8 months / Swords of Iron War. 48/Omer.

A Car Hit our Bldg.

10.6.24. Nahariya, Israel.

Rockets zoom by; airplanes chasing clouds; and sirens were loud today, but the only thing that hit our building was a little car. We cannot figure out how it happened. Must have driven over 200 / hour.

Fixed the next day

Yes, we had two sirens today. The first one was a mistake, so we were notified and people got out of their shelters. The second siren was loud, at the supper hour so people just went to the balcony to discuss it with the neighbours.

A rocket fell in Cabri, south of us, and started a fire. Someone was hurt. More airplanes and booming sounded around us. But we are fine. I thank God for His mercy that I did not have hearing aids in my ears. The sirens were so loud, I'd be fully deaf if I had.

Someone said to me a few months ago, that the Israelis do not thank God very often. I was in shock and did not react right away. Only later on I understood that these people could not speak Hebrew. Everyone, in every video on every occasion not only thank God, but pray long thankful prayers and sing happy songs which praise God and give Him glory for all the miracles He had done. After the last 4 hostages were rescued, ALL the videos were filled with praise. Thank be to God almighty who frees prisoners.
“The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;"


Murray Sweeting said...

Here alongside you both

Janet Yest said...

Praying for peace and safety over your town and allow Israel 🇮🇱 🙏

Janet Yest said...

We are above the fray.we are seated in
Heavenly places in christ from there
I pray for you