
July 21, 2024

SHABAT. 288 days Swords of Iron War.

Full Moon. Double?

 Nahariya, Israel.

Thank you for commenting on the blog. Some of your comments even found their way to the blog itself. I love them! Thank you so much. Please continue, they truly and positively make my day.

A prayer that came out lately in a song touched my heart. I just put it here...

I wrote the above this morning... left it be so I could enjoy a quiet Shabbat. The plans were over head the entire morning. I said to Willie, I'm glad to hear them, they fly North, I hope Yemen is far enough so our IAF will not fly there to retaliate. Not long after, even before lunch, the sky were quiet.

It is before midnight, just now I noticed a news item :


Today, July 20th, 2024, Israeli Air Force fighter jets struck military targets belonging to the Houthi terrorist regime in Yemen. All of the pilots returned home safely.

The strike was conducted in response to the Houthis' ongoing terrorist attacks on Israel in recent months. These attacks have included the launch of hundreds of aerial threats, one of which resulted in the death of Israeli citizen Yevgeny Ferder z”l and the injury of several other civilians.

Israeli Air Force jets executed an extensive operational strike over 1,800 kilometers away from Israel, targeting locations in the area of the Al Hudaydah Port in Yemen. The Al Hudaydah Port serves as an entryway for Iranian weapons to the Houthi terrorist regime and is a significant economic source for them. This strike is one of the furthest from Israeli territory ever conducted by the Israeli Air Force.

In recent months, the Houthis have been working to destabilize the Middle East. Their terror attacks, funded and directed by Iran, harm maritime freedom in the area, regional ports, the Suez Canal, and global trade as a whole.

Under Iran's guidance, attacks against Israel and Western nations are conducted by Iranian-funded, armed, and directed proxies. This strategy allows Iran to hide and avoid the consequences of war.

The IDF will continue to defend the State of Israel against terror threats wherever necessary and will maintain the security of Israeli civilians.

Lord, please protect our kids flying off to other countries and protecting Israel from attacks across the Middle East. Thank you for bringing them all home safely.

Our job to pray for the Northern border just expanded; we now pray longer and further for our young people from 18-55 to return to their home bases safely from across the Middle East.

Lord, remember your promises!

Please, return the abducted hostages.

Please, keep our soldiers on land, sky and sea alive and well, and please bring them home. 

(Isaiah 61:1)“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,
Because the Lord has anointed Me
To preach good tidings to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives,
And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;

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