
August 02, 2024

2.8.24. Friday. 301 days-Swords of Iron War.

 Nahariya, Israel.

All week I fell asleep at will. Short naps, but all through the day. I thought it was from the shot in my eye on Sunday, but I'm not so sure that that was the cause, now, at the end of the week.

Today, we went downtown shopping for Shabbat. After 2 wash loads and some cleaning, Willie sat to eat, but I could only swallow water.

Daggers across the chest, and stomach aches soliciting moaning from my mouth. The cat jumps on the bed hitting my solar plexus with her head. While I tried to deal with the nausea she attempted to stop the pain. Willie climbs beside me, his arm on my shoulder adding heat and comfort. When my whimpering started again, he joined me, “To give you a break”. Yeah, he was saving my energy.


That's all it was. Anxiety. Waiting for the blasted “promised” shooting to start again.

Rockets alerts started earlier not far from here and more came in intervals of 3 hours across Israel, from Gaza to Lebanon.

With them came notices from IDF and the Home Office.

All weekends break for the IDF, Air Force and the Navy are off until sometime next week. Emergency numbers are circulating again. Foreign Plans stopped entering and leaving Israel. Orders from Rabbis to respond in times of need, especially during Shabbat are explained as “Pikuach Nefesh” (saving life). Re-circulating orders to stay close to home, to know your “safe place” …

News from the IDF continues to come. Did you know that the Israeli Navy has a new long-distance intercepting device on the ships?

My phone is on fire – it lights all the time with notices from friends in Israel and around the globe who are making sure we are well.

Dear Friends, 
Especially in these days as we pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Tehillim 122) and peace and protection for all of Israel, we lift our prayers to Adonai who promises to be the shomer, the watchman of Israel. He who keeps Israel does not slumber or sleep (Tehillim 121)
Janet and Stewart

Similar prayers have been pouring in on our phones and emails all day long. As the evenings came down and the Shabbat entered, more prayers arrived globally. While Psalm 91 is recited often, pictures and notes that remind us that God never lost a war are posted as well.

People as far as the Bahamas, Japan, USA, Canada, Belgium, Holland and others are in continual prayers with their prayer groups. Many send personal prayers for us.

The Sinagoug at the back of our apartment building was full tonight - prayers and praise flooded the neighbourhood.

These are very encouraging. And they are being answered by God!!! don't doubt the answers. All of your uplifting prayers are being answered.

It is almost 9 pm. Not one rocket fell in Nahariya today. My whimpering had stopped as the pain left.

Praise be to God. Creator of Heaven and Earth. The One who chose Israel and gave her this Land forever. Israel's Protector, Praise be His Holy Name.

(Psalm 110:1-2) The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
The Lord shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion.

Rule amid Your enemies!

Shabbat Shalom.

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