
August 29, 2024

THURSDAY the 328th day of Swords of Iron War.

Nahariya, Israel. 29.08.2024
Not all the abducted hostages are back home and the war 
is heated in Samaria and Judea, where in the past few years, 
we had cases of “snatched and killed” of young people.
Children are missing across Israel and only few who were
 found and returned, others are still missing. 
For them I post psalm 38 today.  
God please look at the missing people and please help them to return home. 

(Psalm 38:1-2 & 21-22)

1. O Lord, do not rebuke me in Your wrath,
Nor chasten me in Your hot displeasure!
2 For Your arrows pierce me deeply, And Your hand presses me down.

21 Do not forsake me, O Lord; O my God, be not far from me!
22 Make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation!

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