
October 15, 2024



Our Weapons

Slowly I opened my eyes this morning to another cloudy cover at my window. I slept in. How delightful. The night was quiet.

Until the afternoon I worked at my home business, a great diversion from the war, and talked to friends on social media. I am learning to use the technology, but at times I get confused with too much information and so many groups. It's OK, in this arena it is not a life and death issue.

My wonderful husband helps out. He cooked French toast for breakfast, warmed up leftovers for lunch, and just called me to the table... how special is that! After lunch he went down to the grocery store to buy some ice cream... a-ha... by then the sky was blue again.

Sirens pierced the quiet air. First time ever that he was outside when that happened. I thought, “he is closer to the underground shelter, that's good”. Then the sky exploded right above our window, you can see the small cloud forming where the Iron Dome hit something flying. The door opened, “oh, did you go to the shelter?” “No, I have ice cream it'll melt”. Priorities become rather sharp and focused at war.

Friends checked with us. One, from Netaniya, made me laugh. She wrote:

here's my only in Israel moment from yesterday!!
I was in Yochananof [
a grocery store] in the queue with a million others and the app on my phone went off - I shouted out “tzeva adom” [red alert] like a crazy woman and the man next to me is like shtuyot [non-sense] (can't be bothered typing in Hebrew!) and then there was an announcement and we all started running towards the miklat [safe underground] of course it was the furthest away point at this stage!!! Down 3 flights of stairs into the bowels of the building to this massive miklat and I thought OK if there is something big I actually feel quite safe down here!!! 10 minutes later we're back out and back to the queues with everyone arguing about who was in front of who - and life returns to normal!!!”

A very Israeli moment indeed.

The sky is blue, and Willie is watching old Star Trek. It is time to share some ice cream.

(Psalm 34:8)
Oh, taste and see that the
Lord is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

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