
June 02, 2014

Early Start

I started my day early.  By midnight I was reading my bible for two hours.  I also prayed for the people that were in my yesterday.  

My son called on Skype checking to hear if I recovered, telling me of their great plans for the next two weekends; it is a great pleasure seeing him and his wife as we converse.

A young boy in the ER had major urinary block.  When we quietly prayed for him, the medical staff tried, unsuccessfully, to insert a catheter.  They went to fetch the urologist and we continued praying when all of the sudden he "burst" and urinated all over his bed and clothing. His happy mother sent her brother to buy him new clothes while she told us of the miracle, thanking God.

In the early morning, a friend called from overseas telling us of her family adventures in the last few months.  We prayed together and God gave us a spiritual understanding of a situation, a breakthrough! We had just prayed for wisdom and for knowing the truth and the answer came.

Later today, a friend who is trying to settle a living situation in Israel called; she will visit later in the week before she'll fly back overseas where she now lives. We prayed and we know that the difficulties will be sorted out.

Talking to a friend here about yesterday ER visit, she said, "Maybe we should place you in there 8 hours a day and let the nursing staff go for coffee…"  It was fun hearing her adding, "This time, I am praying for you".  

Prayers were answered in the last two days with a speed we had not seen often in the past.  It seems that we were meant to be busy with prayers these last 48 hours, while our other activities were postpone.  

153rd Day of Praise -
I thank God almighty for answering prayers.  I praise God for placing us in the place where He wants us to be and always turns bad situation into good.

Recovering with a purpose,  


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