
July 01, 2014

Happy Birthday Canada

Today is Canada Day; Canada is 147 years young; A young country, still full of hopes and dreams and love of others.

In Israel, the flag are 1/2 mast for the three boys who were murdered.  However, Canada is my adoptive mother-land.  I want to honor her by celebrating, at least in part, her birthday.

When I arrived in Edmonton, AB Canada I was just 20 and when I left I was 62.  Most of my adult life I lived in Western Canada.  I was loved, nurtured, given hope, and found my Rock, all in that one country.  Most of my close friends are Canadians; my greatest love was born there.  

To top it all, Canada is the best friend Israel, my birth-land and my nation, has. 

Happy 147 Canada Day to the Red and White Maple Leaf, I still love you Canada.

182nd Day of Thanks -
Thank You God for Canada and for the Canadian that You had put in my path; both, people and country, are a great gift to me and to Israel.  Please continue to bless them Lord.

Subdued Celebration with my special Canadian,


1 comment:

Ann Gardner said...

Thanks Orith, a great tribute to us. And we return your love!