
July 31, 2014


The last day of July and, as in every summer, people are moving around.

This moving business seems to take place everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere.  School is over for the summer, the first month of summer activities is done, and it is time to move before September arrives with school and winter settling down.

Some of the people around us are moving around as well.  One would think that once a person is older and is not bound by school and work schedules they will not have to move as often, alas, it is not so.  Here in Israel, in the midst of Protective Shield War, we watch them move and we pray that they will settle in their new locations, moving gets more difficult when one grows older.

212th Day of Praise -
I thank you God for the flat that we can call home and stay in it without moving.  Thank you for continuing to strengthen our bodies so we can climb the 64 stairs to it and to walk about town everywhere we need to go.  Praise you God for stability in unstable times.

Returning to sleep,


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