
October 10, 2014

In the Light of Eternity

Public Succa
I heard this phrase a few times in my life.  I think about it now and then. 

I thought of it many times during this last 50 days war we had in Gaza and again I thought of it tonight while I was translating in the Khila.

I think that we have various kinds of wars in our lives.  Some are fought with weapons, such as the one in Gaza and others are fought with our wills or our spiritual weapons.  Tonight, while translating, I felt that I fought the war of "senior moments".  I could not recall simple words such as "camp" or "salvation" or "well".  Willie who set close by and heard my struggle came to help me.  His Hebrew is improving so much that he is able to find the English translation for the Hebrew words …amazing.

I've been thinking that everything I do effect eternity.  My willingness to translate is just as important as my willingness to be an Israeli grandma to a child who is a new comer and does not know the language, or Willie's willingness to visit some old folks who are lonely.  It is the response to the need which counts, not so much the effectiveness of it.  

283rd Day of Praise -
I thank you God for loving us as we are, regardless of what we do or how well we accomplish our tasks.  I thank you God that your love is so complete that you see us in the light of eternity not in our simple small existence.  I thank you Father for sending your Son to die and rise again so we, who choose to follow, can have eternal right to stand before you sinless, covered with Him as our sacrifice.

Looking forward to eternity,


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