
November 16, 2014


a storm is coming
The storm started in the evening.  We anticipate its coming all day.  We could hear the thunders in the distance and saw the huge black clouds rolling in, but they did not break into a storm till the sun went down.

I love storms.  I love the energy in them.  Something majestic comes in them.

The sounds and lights show reminded me the summer nights in Alberta, Canada.  There also the storm broke out at night and delighted us with its power, only it happened in the summer while here we have it appears in the winter.  

In Victoria BC we used to walk down the water and watch the high waves of the ocean flooding the street above.  We always looked for salmon that was thrown out of the water on the cars by the beach.  

I have happy storm memories…

320st Day of Praise -
I thank you God for the storms you created and the wonderful majestic clouds that are rolling in.  Thank you for the rain.

Enjoying the show,


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