
June 24, 2024

MONDAY. Day 262 of Swords of Iron War.

 24.6.24. Nahariya, Israel.

(Isaiah 45:13) I have raised him up in righteousness,

And I will direct all his ways; He shall build My city and let My exiles go free, Not for price nor reward,”

Says the Lord of hosts.

We prayed this verse over the hostages this morning. How appropriate. Please God, no settlement of thousands of terrorists freeing in exchange for the abducted. Please free them Yourself.


  • Do you realize how old we are?”

  • Not really. Are we really old?”

  • Kind of, I think”

  • How do you figure? Are you looking at the numbers?”

  • Yeah, that's exactly what I'm looking at, I sure don't feel it”.

A couple discussion as they wake up from an hour of afternoon nap.

Outside, the heavy machinery is still throwing rocks into trucks. They are dismantling the synagogue at the back.

  • What's that smell? Sharp like a dentist chemicals”

  • That's the cement”

  • Cement smells like the dentist office?”

  • Yes, it's in the air, all over!”

I heard some of the synagogue story yesterday. I was playing 'shesh-besh' – backgammon – with my friend on the balcony. She was here when it was erected. Alex's grandfather donated 10,000 shekel (or maybe dollars)in the 70's. They had the spot of land from the city but the money was not enough. All the Gruzinim (the Olim from Georgia, Russia) donated more until they had enough to build their gruziny synagogue. It was the most beautiful building of the time. One person even donated the glass windows inside that separated the women's section.

I've been inside. I saw the separation; I felt the closing off of the Torah cabinet so women could not see at all into that area, I was not impressed. But I am an Israeli-born, not an Oleh - newcomer, and of a younger generation. And this younger generation goes into that building only to say Kadish over their parents or pray in a war. It used to be full of people praying and using the facilities during community events, Shabbat, and holidays.

They all left. Only the very old still frequent it” lamented my friend.

In the last few years, during the Covid and the war, a new structure has emerged beside the old Synagogue. We thought they were building a school. Rooms separated by cement walls were lit and every so often children and youth were celebrating one thing or another, with songs and food. But in the last week, a tractor arrived and started to break and pull down the new rooms. No explanations were given for the erection of the room, nor for the taring down. Since yesterday, the broken cement and blocks were hauled into trucks with a loud thunder that made us jump assuming it was one more boom at the border. Not so.

But the strong dentist's office smell continues to fill the air.

Xxx xxx

the Israeli government gave an ultimatum to Lebanon, Hezbollah, and Iran, “move to the other side of the Litany River as per #1701 UN Resolution, by June 26, 2024 or we will attack”.

No one moved over there, we are waiting for war. Meanwhile, Hamas re-started sending rocket to the Gaza Envelope.

And this shall be your northern border: From the Great Sea you shall mark out your border line to Mount Hor; (Number 34:7)

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