
June 05, 2024

WEDNESDAY. 243/ Swords of Iron War. 43/Omer. Nahariya, Israel. 5.6.2024

Jerusalem Day - West and East Jerusalem Joined on

June 5, 1967, to become the complete Jerusalem, Israel.

When Willie was almost 11, living in Eastern Canada, Tim was born in the middle USA. The two met in Israel and by that time both were grandfathers.

Last night, we celebrated their “almost” birthdays. Tim is 66 today, Willie will be 77 next week.

The English Speaking weekly group had a great spread and lots of jokes. They also invited a young American speaker we met at friends' home in Israel in 2017. Lovely surprise.

I've been thinking this week about the various people who graced our lives over time. Some barged in and left within a short time, others eased their ways in and stayed longer than expected, and some just appeared and made their marks on our hearts and minds forever. All were dear to us, all made their mark on our lives, and all were important.

Today, we drove to a cemetery in Haifa for a memorial, 30 days after burial, for one of such people who made her mark on our lives. We met some of our mutual friends and reminisced a bit.

She used to rescue cats from the streets, taking them to the Vet for their shots and finding homes for them. Our cat, Misty, is one of these rescued cats.

For all the people who touched our lives, God bless you. Thank you for coming into our lives and for the impact you had on us.

And for those who are no longer walking the earth, may your life stay as a memory in the hearts and minds of the living. 


Rose-Mary Harris said...

Thank you for blessing everyone’s lives with both of your amazing live. ❤️❤️❤️

Orith said...

Thank you for your comments.
Blessings from Israel, Orith