
July 27, 2024

295 days Swords of Iron War.

SHABBAT.  Nahariya, Israel.   

( I'm just reporting. Source: Israel Realtime 🎗#35

Iran, via Hezbollah, is targeting children now. 10 died during a football game in the Golan. The number of dead might change later on.

‼ ROCKET ATTACK from HEZBOLLAH KILLS - - 9-14 children killed, 30+ injured, 15+ critical to serious, by large Fajir rocket hit from Hezbollah on Majdal Shams soccer field. Majdal Shams is a Druze city in the northern Golan Heights.

.. Conflicting reports of whether it was a suicide drone or a rocket.

.. A soccer match, two teams of youngsters, was being held there at the time of the hit.

.. IDF spokesperson: Alerts that were activated in the north of the country at 17:24, about 30 missiles were detected that crossed the territory of Lebanon, air defense successfully intercepted several missiles, the rest of the missiles fell in an open area, there were no casualties.

Following the alert that was activated in the Neve Ativ area at 17:55 p.m., about 10 missiles were identified that crossed the territory of Lebanon and fell in an open area, there were no casualties.

A short time later, an alert was activated in the area of ​​Majdal Shams, as a launch was detected that crossed from Lebanese territory. A hit was detected.

We emphasize that a rocket was fired into the Majdal Shams area and not a suicide drone.

We state Hezbollah is behind the shooting at Majdal Shams.

❗Hezbollah DENIES attack: The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon categorically denies the allegations made by some enemy media and various media platforms about the targeting of Magdal Shams. (( Denying because the victims were Druze instead of Jews. )) Amit Segal: After murdering ten Druze children, Hezbollah denies that it fired, fearing the revenge of the Druze in Lebanon.

▪Prime Minister (abroad), Defense Minister and IDF Chief in war consultations.

▪Israeli sources: The American administration asked Israel that the response be "balanced”.

▪Sources in the security establishment say: "There will certainly be a widespread response to the disaster in Majdal Shams, we will have to decide whether to go to war and not be dragged into it."


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