
July 08, 2024

MONDAY. 08.07.24. Nahariya, Israel. 276 days Swords of Iron War.

ושבו בנים לגבולם = The sons (all offsprings) shall return to their borders. 

Twice in one chapter, it is written:

But where can wisdom be found?
And where is the place of understanding? “(Job 28:12 + 20)

2024 is a year of Elections. More than 60 countries are electing new officials. Yes, the world needs wisdom.

We've been praying that God's leaders will be elected into these positions. In my mind, they were all leaders who loved God and loved the people of their countries. Yet, God allowed some hateful leaders to rise. I believe that God indeed placed these leaders in various places. It took me time to understand His purpose.

He is bringing His people back to Israel. Persecution including hateful political leaders, are only means to an end.

Refrain your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears;
For your work shall be rewarded, says the Lord,
And they shall come back from the land of the enemy.(Jeremiah 31:16)

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