
July 04, 2024

THURSDAY. 04.07.2024. Nahariya Israel.

272 days to Swords of Iron War.

Forgotten Toy
Today, I decided to stay put and listen to Bible readings in Hebrew. I'm still trying to find the 365 verses of “Don't be afraid” in the bible. My eyes get very tired and hurt very fast, so listening it is.

God, thank You for your Word.

I managed to hear up to Genesis 35 or thereabout when our local 4th of July firecrackers started to come across the border Apparently, 241 or more sights of rockets or aircraft occurred.  Nahariya had its sirens as the surrounding cities and towns sirens sounded as well. I am told that the North on both sides of the border is in flames. I see no fire here.

Yesterday, an Arab Israeli walked from his home to the mall in Karmiel and knifed a 19-year-old soldier from Nahariya who was on a break for a day from his base. The soldier managed to shoot him before he died from his wounds. An Arab Israeli, a neighbour, who lives among us. Do you realize what a hit it was to us all? His sister works in one of the shops at the mall. No, he was not crazy. He purposely acted that way.  He could have been waiting to serve in the IDF himself. He came with a knife – not sure how he passed the mall guard – and knifed a young soldier. The 241 + rockets today were not a shock, that boy at the mall was.

We joined more prayer meetings as the day progressed. Wounded came into the local hospital and some of my neighbours were exhibiting signs of stress and reoccurring trauma that was surfacing together with memories of past wars. In 3 days it will be 9 months to this Swords of Iron War. The red-haired baby was 8 months old
when he was abducted. God, is he even alive now at 17 months old?

My eyes fail, looking for your promise;
I say, “When will you comfort me?”
Though I am like a wineskin in the smoke,

I do not forget your decrees.
How long must your servant wait?
When will you punish my persecutors? (psalm 119:82-84)

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