
July 03, 2024

WEDNESDAY. 03.07.2024. Nahariya, Israel

 271 Days, Swords of Iron War.

When I think of Lebanon, I always feel a smile inside me.

It takes all kinds...
As a child, the "good gate" wa
s a matter of national pride, saying, "Look at that gate, we have been at peace for over 30 years!" I was taught that King David was a friend of the King of Lebanon and King Solomon was a friend of King Hiram who supplied the best trees of Lebanon for the building of the Temple. (1 Kings 5).

When I meet Lebanese in my town, I feel an immediate connection and trust - they are the ones whose family members fought alongside our army in the two Lebanon wars. They moved to Israel with their families and became Israeli citizens. I never think of Lebanon or its people as enemies, Never!

Lebanon's current government was 'elected' by violence, by 'Hamas'. Not true citizens of Lebanon. They are the ones we war against, they are the ones supplied by Iran and they are the attackers' army. Israel does not fight the citizens of Lebanon.

I truly looking forward to time of peace when Hezbollah and Hamas are defeated and Iran is “no more”.

Other news? I don't know. I get so much opposing news right now...

  • 1. Our Knesset members voted for time off for themselves – no explanation as to why now, for how long, or what will happen with our abducted hostages while they are taking a break.

  • No explanation as to why they let go of the head doctor from Gaza and 50 more terrorists, not as an exchange, just “because the jail is too crowded” yet the government officials did not know about that. So before they voted for time off, they were fighting this decision. A case of closing the door of the barn after the horse escaped.

  • No explanation about the rumours that while Ukraine is fighting Russia they are also in civil war yet Israel is giving them the weapons “Patriot” with an agreement from the USA.

  • A top-level meeting between Netanyahu and the top leader of IDF continue until midnight on Sunday, but it was such a secret we don't know what decisions came of it.

  • When we walked downtown this morning, some private stores were closed and the streets were mostly empty of people. That was so weird that we asked one of the security guards, “Do all these people know something we don't know?” 'No', he said, 'they are just running scared.' The North is being attacked closer to the Eastern border, and 40+ rockets came down on Kiryat Shemona, but Nahariya is quiet, featuring a good breeze and blue sky.

  • People with flights to Europe are being told to re-book as the flights are cancelled. And Willie had to cancel a hotel booking he made for December, as they notified him that he can book only one night in Tiberias out of the two he wanted.

  • What God says? Today, God encouraged us: (Joshua13-15)

    And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, “Are You for us or for our adversaries?”

So He said, “No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.”

And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him, “What does my Lord say to His servant?”

Then the Commander of the Lord’s army said to Joshua, “Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.” And Joshua did so.

    We've been walking bare feet in the house for a while now. 

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