
August 16, 2024

FRIDAY 315 days to Swords of Iron War.

Nahariya, Israel.  16.08.2024


With an Arab Israeli on the bus. 

THE COST - MILITARY REHAB.. 10,056 soldiers since the beginning of the war have needed rehab. 35% for PTSD, and 37% for physical trauma. 68% of the injured have been reservists. The mental support line "Nefesh One" dial *8944 is available throughout the year 24/7.

ISRAEL BUYS..Just so we are clear – the USA does NOT GIVE arms to Israel. Israel buys it Paid In Full.

ISRAEL BUYS.. The US approved an arms deal worth about 20 billion dollars to Israel:

.. Air-to-air missiles worth $102.5 million.
.. Tank shells worth $774 million.
.. Tactical vehicles worth $583 million.
.. F-15s worth $18.8 billion.

I noticed the following last night. I copied it from somewhere a long time ago. Today, it is a great ending for a week full of miracles:

How great is my God

How Great Is His Name

How great is my God

Forever the same

He rolls back the water of the mighty Red Sea

and He said,

I'll never leave you, put your trust in Me”.

Our daily prayers include:

- Prayers for IDF, Air Force, and Navy.

- Prayers for releasing the abducted hostages.

- Prayers for the Israeli Government.

Shabbat Shalom Everyone. 

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