
August 07, 2024

WEDNESDAY 306 days Swords of Iron War

 7.8.24. Nahariya, Israel

The hit last night destroyed a car and wounded an Arab believer we know of from the next village. So prayers went up for his recovery all morning.

Psalms 6:8 Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity;
For the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping.

After hours of airport waits, and hours of prayers, some of our friends arrived in Israel late last night via all kinds of places. In the States, flights were stopped because of a coming hurricanes; in Europe, flights were stopped because of the threat from Iran. Praise God that they are home. Also, those who headed to Canada and the States arrived there and now we need to pray them back safely.

Our soldiers need equipment and food. We are praying and we also took cash from the bank account this morning to add to the pool of needs. We also paid cash for our food and my dentures today.

Fewer credit cards and more cash seem to be the way to go right now.

Isaiah 37:28-29

But I know your dwelling place, Your going out and your coming in,
And your rage against Me.
Because your rage against Me and your tumult have come up to My ears,
Therefore, I will put My hook in your nose and My bridle in your lips,
And I will turn you back by the way which you came.”

War causes confusion. Everything is a touch out of place and one needs to adjust to the changes. Our prayers are so God removes the enemy, turns them back the way they came and cuts off the heads of the snake. They will be removed and the Abducted will be freed up.

Too many wounded, civilians and soldiers, and too many Bereaved Families. Ten months of war is ten months too long.

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