
August 09, 2024

FRIDAY 308 days Swords of Iron War.

Nahariya, Israel.

We had 4-5 sirens yesterday. A bit unusual for Nahariya. We stayed in our south-facing bedroom and waited it out.

I realized today that we developed some kind of pattern between the neighbours. We called some and some called us. After the sirens went quiet I called the four I usually call and encouraged them to keep the faith that God is with us, and then my calls came in from the Haifa area and friends from afar. Today, walking downtown, the natives were even friendlier. Stopped us on the main street to talk, to tell us of their families, their dogs, just to smile.

People are glad to meet us as if to say, “You are alive and so are we”.

With rockets, unmanned aircraft, shrapnel and sirens, to name just a few of the war zone lingo, it is good to have some sense of normalcy in the peaceful time kind of living.

My body hurts today, it is hard to walk in the heat, and I am slowing down. But my heart and soul do sour high. God is making His presence known. There is no doubt that He answers prayers and that we are covered by His mercy – our Iron Dome.

(Psalm 7:1-2)    

O Lord my God, in You I put my trust; Save me from all those who persecute me; And deliver me, Lest they tear me like a lion,  Rending me in pieces, while there is none to deliver. 

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