
September 02, 2024

Monday, Swords of Iron - 332nd day of War

Mount Carmel

Nahariya, Israel.

"mee le'adonai elai”

Then Moses stood in the entrance of the camp, and said, “Whoever is on the Lord’s side—come to me!” And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together to him.

(Exodus 32: 26)

The battle cry of the Israeli Army is still the same, “Mee, l'eAdonai Elai”- Who is on the Lord's side, come to me.

It is a call that defines only one common criterion – whoever is on the Lord's side.

If you believe in One God, belong to Him in your heart, trust in Him, and are willing to fight His battles against the devil – you are on God's side, then come forward and join His army.

IDF at war includes all Israelis. The regular army, as well as, those who came as the “Tzav 8” was sent out. [Reservists are those who have completed their mandatory military service and for a period of time remain active as civilians, ready to be called for duty, in case the IDF needs them. This massive call of “Miluim” is called “Tzav 8” (order number 8).]

It includes Israelis from all religious affiliations and all ethnic backgrounds, it also includes volunteers from all nations and lone soldiers who are not living in Israel.

Not everyone was holding a weapon, but all came prepared to be used where they were needed.

All are on God's side.

God's army includes the prayer warriors, in Israel and abroad, and all who are His followers.

Israel war is a battle between God's hosts and the devil. As the Swords of Iron continue into the 11th month, we are more aware of the spiritual battle. This is the longest war we've known since Israel's war of independence.


Soldiers, from the entire spectrum of religious beliefs don't go to battle without prayers, regardless if they are religious or not. More citizens pray, on buses, on the street, and at their homes. On the home front people's greetings have changed to “God is with us”. The division in political circles widens; cities take their stand as separated units in participating or not in strike activities, in demonstrations, and in adhering to war regulations.

A deep sadness is settling on the nation. I see very few angry outbursts around me. People are with lopsided smiles trying to stay upbeat and hopeful. For a society where angry expressions are part of the cultural behaviour, this heavy sadness is a cause for alarm. The war was too long and the nation is showing the after-shocks that lead to depression.

Since the senseless murder yesterday of the 6 hostages less than 48 hours before they were found, one can see the tears in everyone's eyes. The spirit of heaviness is apparent everywhere.

Oh God! These are your people, your army, your followers. They answered your call.

Please bring about your promise to them.

To console those who mourn in Zion,
To give them beauty for ashes,
The oil of joy for mourning,
The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
That they may be called trees of righteousness,
The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”

(Isaiah 61:3)

1 comment:

Kevin & Jane said...

Shalom Willie & Orith ,

Orith's blog for date 2nd Sept was very sad seeing the Israeli people are in this sad mood. (understandable)
We continue to uplift Israel to our Lord especially that he would open their hearts to accepting Yeshua.
The murder of the last 6 hostages just before release was truly senseless and yet AGAIN most of the world keeps quiet ??????

Take care friends as we long for our Lord's return.