
September 05, 2024

Swords of Iron - 334th day of War.

Nahariya, Israel. Wednesday 4.9.2024

(Proverbs 3)

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

News today is bleak.

While Israel is fighting for its life, global hate and opposition are rising. The UK declared an embargo and Jordan is pressuring other allies to expend it so Israel will run out of its weaponry. The USA is still shipping -reluctantly- the bought-and-paid-for-arms, but for how long?

The spirit around us is subdued. Our hearts are with our children and grandchildren on the seven (7) front lines surrounding the country. Our prayers are with them and with the 101 hostages (35 known dead) still held underground in Gaza.

There is no unity in the country.

The government ministers are by and large disagreeing with each other and new parties are trying to emerge with leaders who are making alliances that have yet to be on the same side of the fence. Confusing? Oh yes.

The political movement for the hostages is also dividing and the voices of the people who oppose an exchange of criminals in jails with hostages are rising louder. Disharmony.

Yet, more people are praying. More people say, “Only God knows, He is for us”. More are putting their trust in God. There is no one else we can count on.

Personally, Willie and I exhibit the behaviour that old people exhibited for generations: we are staying close to home, digging deeper into the bible and paying more attention to our health.

We are joined by prayer warrior groups in Israel and abroad. This is our post in this war of Israel versus Hamas. We are soldiers at the front of the battle between God and satan.

But to remain in His army we need to stay healthy on earth. Our way of life is evolving and now it concentrates on scheduling small increments of time.

We get up, drink our water, pray and read the Word. We exercise, take our vitamins and consume smaller healthy and nutritious meals – we are not as hungry. We walk daily to shopping for small, easy-to-carry food items. We keep health care appointments. We rest more. Small changes; small increments of time, big lifestyle changes. We are feeling healthier, and most importantly, we are closer to Him.

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