
September 05, 2024

Swords of Iron - 335th day of - War

On our morning walk.

Nahariya, Israel. Thursday 5.9.2024

This morning a depression started its fall on me.

More people who are grandchildren of family and friends are soldiers in Gaza, Lebanon and the West Bank. (properly referred to as Yehuda and Shomron).

The heat is still in its' 30c.

Psychological warfare is getting stronger and its videos show more often on our phones.

We don't see an end to the horrors.

Willie listened to my whining. Thought for a few minutes and said, “Maybe we are paying attention to the wrong thing”. OK. Are we praying amiss?

(James 4:3) You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.

We need to recall all that God had done for us. Yes, we know all the great miracles He did for Israel, but He had done so much for us personally.”

So we started to recall His great works. How He brought us to Israel; how He healed us and taught us that the Israeli earth is giving us health; He provided a flat that was paid off in 5 years; He kept us in a neighbourhood where the people love us and show their love in so many ways, and just yesterday, He blessed our names via a neighbour during a New Torah Book celebration in one of the local synagogues. His blessing doesn't stop. His angels surround us daily. His protection is over us.

So we started to pray and praise Him and my heaviness was replaced with gladness.

Yes, the war is still on, but God is in control and we will see how He overcomes the enemy for us, while we are yet, in the land of the living.

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