
September 24, 2024


A New designation to the action in Lebanon: ARROWS OF THE NORTH. 



Psalm 117 

Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles! Laud Him, all you peoples!

For His merciful kindness is great toward us,
And the truth of the
Lord endures forever.

Praise the Lord!

During the night rockets hit our sky, no sirens, but it was noisy, 
but then it quieted down.  The young men came out of the 
synagouge after their midnight prayers and shofar blowing 
and started the shouting and letting off steam.  
Needless to say that we did not get much sleep.   
Morning was welcomed by a siren, which usually does not 
sound in Nahariya. 
Since than, the border is full of booming, shooting small arms, 
and overhead flying army plans.
I am drinking my healthy shake and praying for peace.

Years ago while in Canada, we had our home business, 
a Cottage Industry. I learned at that time to treat my home 
like an office and my time as a valuable commodity. 
After all, we were the CEO and the President of our business.  
I am reminded to do that today. 
The house is in order, all dishes are done and put away, 
the bed is made and while Willie went shopping, again, 
I showered and dressed and am ready for the day. 
This is the only 24.09.2024 that I have and whatever God 
wants me to do today, I am now ready for it. 
Being prepared that way, gives a person a boost. It makes one 
wants to live, to experience, to create.  
The barrage of the noises and fear can easily cause 
depression. I don't want to waste my time being depressed. 
I chose to live this day and to be a happy child of God, 
busy with His tasks for me today.  

During WW1 soldiers called on the battle field, 
“Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition”. 
I second that for me. 
God, I am ready for the day, 

pass the ammunitions
and please be with me in the battle .


Joy Sweeting said...

It's morning here, and this was a fantastic perspective, the President's Letter!
Love you!

Shirley said...

My dear Orith’

I was so pleased to get your email today and know that all the reports I am seeing of all the carnage in Israel is mostly leaving you and Willie alone. I pray for you both often. ... Thank you so much for posting your encouragement today. I needed it today. Blessings and prayers from Victoria.

Jan said...

Dear Orith,
Thank you so much for forwarding your blogpost. It’s encouraging to hear how you are standing strong. I have been praying for you and Wille and will be continuing to do so.
With love to you and Wille,

Carol said...

Found this in my draft file!Wow, yes, indeed an encouraging word! Thank you for sharing.

Tsega said...

Dear Orith and wille
Know that I m praying 🙏❤ 🙏 for the both of you ❤ 🙏 ♥ and for whole Israel 🇮🇱 🙏 ❤ 💙
I love you all !!
I pray psalms 23, 91 and 121 for all!!
Israel 🇮🇱 will prevail
God iwill grant Israel 🇮🇱 victory after victory after victory in Jesus name Amen 🙏
Sending lots of love 💘

Michael said...

Bless you for sharing with me. I'm going to choose a few words to guide me today.

Lee said...

Hi Orith,
You have a good attitude!
... So blessed thankful to have peace…
Something we take for granted…
Peace to you, sister in the Lord

CAROL said...

Amen! Love this idea of being ready for whatever God has for me on his agenda! 😊

Lorna said...

I love this, Orith. Very fitting for each of us....

Melodie and Gavin said...

Love this Orith! God bless you ❤️
We continue to pray and be ready 🙏

Nancy said...

That is awesome it thoroughly boosted & filled me My Friend. Thank You! Enjoy your day as it comes cause all is as it should be, we will find the strength from within on all tasks sent our way… I choose to do the same! Love Yous! 😘🤗😘🤗

White said...

Love love love love this thanks 1 million for sharing. You might want to read Psalm 146. What a powerful word

Chopko said...

Praying for you, our friends! May God keep you safe and give you courage. Hoping all is well where you live.
Love and prayers! Gwen