
October 13, 2024



Sirens off and on today - all is well.

(Ephesians 4:23-24) and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

Yum Kippur was quiet in Nahariya, in the Haifa area there were rockets. Today, we had two sirens in the morning and other areas of the North had sirens in the afternoon. People in stores tell me that the head Rabbi told everyone not to evacuate Nahariya because nothing would happen here. Willie and I agree with him.

We need the spirit of our minds to be renewed.

The young delivery driver refused to drive to Nahariya because it showed on the Red Alert that we had 2 rockets. The fact that they never touched down did not make a bit of difference, he was scared. My fruit order was cancelled and if I want frozen fruit I have to find the competition and see if they deliver. The therapists in Haifa also cancelled our appointments even though we are the ones who travel to the clinic. Fear is taking hold of some young people who feel unsafe. I pray for our IDF, medics, hospitals, and all those in service, they cannot be fearful, it debilitating.

We need the spirit of our minds to be renewed.

Israelis are quick people with quick reactions and quick results. Over a year in a war not of our making, some are tired out, allowing fear to set in, and others cannot force them to change. A type of trauma, one of many.

We need the spirit of our minds to be renewed.

Only God can help us change the spirit of our minds. Only God can remove the fear and trauma and help us to think clearly and recover from confusion into decisive actions. Pray for us that God will help and that we as a people will accept those changes.

Come Holy Spirit and help the spirit of our minds to be renewed. 


Jill said...

Shalom Orith. Thank you for sharing your blog. We're praying that you will be able to get some fruit by His mighty hand of provision. We pray for the peace of All Israel and more miracles, including salvation in Yeshua. You are such a blessing. Blessings Jill

Orith said...

Thank you Jill. God bless.

Jill said...

I prayed the Lord would provide you some fruit. Looks like it went to LuAnne instead. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Blessings Jill