
October 11, 2024



(Lamentations 5:21)
Return us, O Lord, to you,
and we shall return, 
and our right hand shall be restored 
anew as before.
Yum Kippur – Day of Atonement is at the

On Friday, from the early afternoon, all of
Israel will slowly shut down until all focus
on the last meal before the Holy Fast.

Loud sounds from the border artillery exchange and aircraft
travelling both ways did not stop yet.

The sky was covered with grey clouds this morning, and it is
now back to the Baby Blue of an Israeli Shabbat.

Prayers for the safety of our soldiers and the return of the
hostages did not cease.

We went downtown to buy last minutes items, to pick the
weekend newspaper for the lady next door, and a small gift box
of Dates for the lady upstairs. We stopped at a few stores and
bless them with the traditional blessings of “Gmar Chatima
Tova - May your name be written in the Book of Life - and
“Shanna Tova”, which hopes for our world to live in peace.
The airport will shut down tonight by 14:00 and will resume its
activities by Saturday night at 22:00. TV and Radio stations will
be silent even though we are at war. Only emergency stations
will function.

Shabbat and memorial candles will be lit at 17:31 tonight
Friday 11.10.2024, and will end 25 hours later, on
Saturday, 12.10.2024 at 18:48.

Willie's and my phones will also be silent three hours from
now and we will rest at home until the end of Yum Kippur.

On this Holiest of Days, we ask forgiveness from God as a

nation and from each other as individuals. We believe that He

forgives us and we receive it by faith. It is harder to forgive each

other and to believe that others have forgiven us. Yet,

repentance is the heart of our relationship with God Almighty,

and with it comes forgiveness.

God gave us Yeshua as a sacrifice to pay for our sins and if we

believe in Him we will have an everlasting life. Thus, we forgive

others and receive their forgiveness as well.

Please forgive us if we offended you in any way -
it was not done intentionally.

(Psalm 121:4)

He who keeps Israel

Shall neither slumber nor sleep.

Blessings from the heart of a wounded yet thriving to live - free nation.

I pray for a true Holy Day for all of Israel. 

Gemar Chatima Tova! 



richard white said...

Your email was a perfect way to start my day. Words cannot express how much I appreciate it. My daily prayer is that we will all repent, beginning with my house, so that we could
we might experience a much needed revival.

Orith said...


Jill said...

Blessings Orith, thank you again for your anointed and practical sharing. We had a blessed day for Yom Kippur sharing the readings and prayers. Shalom Jill