
November 04, 2024



(Micah 6:8) He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the 
Lord require of you
But to do justly, To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?

With the war going on, one tends to glue oneself to news on the media, to check what other people are thinking and doing, and to see how many people left the country. All activities that in the long run cause aggravation, and keep one's focus away from one's priorities. I was unhappy with the direction my thoughts and attention were going. As I mumble a word or two to God, He reminds me of Micah 6:8. “Check your priorities!”

Oy, He can speak a short lecture, does He? A verse or two and I see the need for changing my direction.

So what are my priorities?

1- walk close to God. In February, when my eyesight failed me and they started to “shoot” my eye, I was unable to read my bible. My daily walk with Him flattered. It affected my prayer time and our relationship. In the last few weeks, Willie had been reading a Psalm every night and a chapter of the Bible every morning. It brought me back to the centre, God comes first. Two days ago I was able to join Willie in the reading, I could see well enough to reread the bible. Praise God.

2 - Look after me and keep my health up. Adding food supplements and Complete protein to my diet did wonders for my body. Increased energy and strength allowed me to add exercise at home and morning walks. It is important to be healthy and strong in Israel. The Home Front has mainly school-age children and old people who need to be looked after. Israel's population is an upside-down pyramid, the top is loaded with the aged. Most of the strong, 20-50 crowd is at the front, with the Israeli Army. We, older ones need to be strong and not a burden. So I do my part – I stay healthy.

3 - love my husband and help him to be strong & healthy so we can age together.

4 – relationship with friends and neighbours. Keep them in prayer, and spread God's love.

5 - Work my business, and help others to stay healthy and productive.

When my priorities were clear, my focus shifted away from the war and the worries. I was able to sleep better, wake up with a song, and laugh much more. The News is forcing a way into my life with the sirens, but my eyes are on God and my vision is clearer.

(Lamentation 3:22-23)

Through the Lord’s mercies, we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness 


Anonymous said...

We love and pray for you both and for Israel. We long to come back and in God's perfect time we surely will. "The battle belongs to the Lord" Kevin & Jane

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this reminder. Love you and Willie.

Orith said...

Kevin & Jane we love you too.