

December 03, 2014

The Next Prime-Minister

Christmas Cactus in Bloom
In March 2015 we will have election.  So they tell us.

It is no different here than anywhere else, except that everyone has an opinion and everyone expresses it loud and clear.  The Israelis of all ages dub in politics.

I saw a funny skit today.  The "joker" asked a group of over 80 years old who should be the next prime-minister….  "The Messiah" was the immediate answer.

Nowhere else on earth such an answer will be given nor accepted, here …it was debated as all things ….

Funny people my nation, I love them so.

337th Day of Praise -

I thank you God for the freer democracy on earth, when all have opinions, all express them, and no one is forced to listen




Ann Gardner said...

There speaks wisdom of the elderly.. What a marvelous concept!

Carol Brown said...

I think The Messiah is a wonderful choice for prime minister!