It just dawned on me…I've never thought of it before
that way…however, I'm glad it did….
I experienced lots; I've learned a bunch of stuff; I'm
getting more information daily, and I simply need room in my brain to sift
through and to store all the new things. So I need extra space.
This is why I forget!
God helps me to make extra room for all the new
information that I need to know right now and that it is essential for my life
in my third part of my life. There I said it: I don't forget a thing, I simply
making room for all the new information in my brain.
146th Day of Praise -
I thank you God for helping me to make room and to have
extra space for the new information that is coming into my mind daily.
Learning to grow older,
1 comment:
Ya, it takes a while for the Lord to make those "zip files" in our brain and condense the information to fit the space available! I suppose He could just install a memory chip. Hmmm.
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