
May 28, 2014

Politics and Faith

Europe chose right extremist leaders, according to news yesterday.

In Israel, the warning is stronger than ever, "that is the beginning of a stronger Anti-Semitism and uprising of Neo-Nazi sympathizers", write the newspapers editors, meaning that there will be more persecutions to Jews and their supporters all over Europe.

A young Israeli couple returned home in coffins on Tuesday, from a bombing in the Brussels, Belgium Jewish Museum.  At the same time, a picture from another European Museum is posted on Face Book.  It shows a crown embroider to perfections from both sides of the cloth. 

From The Corrie Ten Boom Museum:

And it made me think.  Fear is the opposite of Faith. But there is more to it.  The fear is being used politically to suppress us into a cowering submission unto slavery of some kind or another; Faith, on the other hand, is an encourager.

Faith can remove mountains… including mountains of fear…

The political and cultural changes in Europe are threatening the rest of the world. It makes no difference whom it is directed against.  The results cause destruction to everyone alive.

But faith and the power of prayer that accompanied that faith are stronger in the end.

145 Days of Thanks -
I thank You God for giving us Faith and teaching us of its power and of the power of prayer.

Sensing a major shift around me but having faith that with God we will overcome,


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