June 1st, 2014 - the first day of the
sixth month…some people celebrate new months with a party… but I found an
original way to do that…I fell in the bus.
I held on to the bar...honestly. The bus jerked, my hand slipped, and I bang
my head against the bar and fell to the floor on my right side. It took me a few seconds to get my baring and
slowly, slowly I got up while the entire bus shouting at the driver to stop, at
me to let them help me, at each other for crowding me…whatever… I got up.
One the ladies on the bus, who is also my
neighbor and went down at the same stop, helped me to get to the health clinic
which is right across the street. The
nurse took me in, did what nurses do, and called the doctor. She came in, did what doctors do, and sent me
to Emergency. The nurse called the ambulance
that arrives right away and they booked me into a very quiet emergency ward. I was the third patient there at the time. That was around 9:45 am.
The emergency doctor saw me, sent me to CT
of the head and ex-ray of just about every bone of my body.
Back in emergency I found a full ward - I was
placed in the Corridor. All morning
people fallen off stairs, off beds in old age home, on streets…car accidents
brought in men with neck braces and children with emergencies that required immediate
surgeries. By the afternoon they had
opened a second ward and at least 40 beds were filled.
One nurse at a shift; one orthopedic
doctor; one emergency doctor; not enough staff of anything…
Willie was near me the entire day. We prayed.
We prayed for the physicians and the nurses; the emergency medics and
the ambulance drivers; we prayed for the very young and the very old; we prayed
for the patients and the family members beside them…we prayed.
I saw the surgeon first thing after the CT
was done and he told me that my head is fine and I can go home, only the
orthopedic surgeon need to check the bones and sign me out. That was around 12 noon.
By 3 pm I asked for food, since none was
given and my sugar levels were going down too fast; Willie rushed to buy some
food while the housekeeping person brought 3 pieces of day-old bread. I prayed asking God why am I still in there;
but all I got was to keep praying for the sick and the staff. Willie returned with real food and we
continued to pray.
I was released to go by 4:45 pm. We walked home. It felt safer with the heavy traffic and the
air was clear and fresh after the stuffiness of the emergency ward. We arrived
home around 6 pm.
152nd Day of Praise -
I thank God for the opportunity to pray
for the emergency ward in its entirety all day long. I thank God for friends,
who arrived unexpectedly right at the start of the day and prayed healing over
me, so I can stay there in some comfort. I thank God for immediately healing my
wounds and for giving me Willie as an angel of mercy right beside me for the
entire day. I thank God for a creative
way to start a new month.
Off to bed early,
Oh, my goodness, girl! I am sure the Lord used your prayers...but let's try the party next new moon!
If you had to be in the ER, I'm so happy you and Willie were able to pray for those less fortunate than you......Have to wonder what He has in store for you tomorrow, Will be waiting to hear in your next posting!
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