
July 12, 2024

FRIDAY. 280 days Swords of Iron War.

Nahariya, Israel.

מורות למזמור צ"א

Early morning. Willie went downtown to buy Chalahs for Shabbat. He'll be back shortly, in time to hang up the wash.

Today, we have an orange warning for extremely high temperatures with 60% humidity. One needs to stay home in the shade.

Two rockets were diverted above my head yesterday while I was downtown. Traffic came to a halt; people stopped and looked up at the clouds forming in the blue sky, and a friend who walked toward me shouted, “Maybe it's time to go up?”

'Are you ready?', I asked, 'I'm ready'.

Maranatha. The Lord is coming.

A young couple was hit by a rocket in the Golan, their 3 pre-teens, are orphans today. A house was hit in Cabri, the town next to us, I don't know yet how many citizens were hurt there.

Yet, there is peace in my heart.

We seem to live in a bubble. We hear, and sometimes see, the rockets diverted. We hear the airplanes as they fly north and know that they are protecting us and cleaning out the Hezbollah bases in Lebanon. We pray continually for their safety and for their healthy return home.

But in Nahariya itself, life goes on. Buses are full of old people carrying heavy shopping bags and speaking Russian dialect from the ex-Soviet countries. I wish I could understand their constant chatter.

A large Aliyah is expected from France any day now. A stir in my heart to learn spoken French has become my prayer today. It will have to be a miracle. Lately, I'm getting confused between the two languages that I do have, a third one?

(Deuteronomy 34:7) Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished.

Moses led over a million and a half slaves to freedom in God's promised land. They all spoke the same language, came from the same culture, and were related one to another; yet, they squabbled constantly.

Moses needed perfect health. He also needed all other supplies for himself and the Olim during 40 years of a desert walk.

We are waiting for at least 6 million to make it to Israel in the next few years. A people tsunami. They speak different languages, raised in different cultures, and their common denominator of Jewish blood is not as strong after 2000 years of exile. Many are married to non-Jews and the religious leaders are squabbling over this issue constantly.

Willie and I believe that God is raising leaders, like Moses, in various areas to help these new comers to arrive and to settle in Israel. The “desert walk” is only one part of their journey, the settlement in the land is longer and harder process.

Many supplies are needed and many doors need to be opened. Healthy bodies and minds are essential requirements for leaders. Only God can bestow perfect health. I am praying that as people realize their call from God to lead Israel home, they will also receive perfect health from the Almighty.

I pray that there will be a common language and a common direction so Israel will become a permanent home to the newcomers when they settle and thrive here. There are people who are being groomed by God to lead and help out the newcomers, but the ones we know are in their late 70th and early 80th years of their lives. We increased our prayers for younger, humble, able-bodied leaders who will hear God's call and will step out to lead the coming tsunami. There are almost 10 million permanent citizens crowded in Israel today. Only by God's grace, we will have housing, work, schools, medical facilities and all other needs for another 6 million people.

Jeremiah 31 is in my head through this war. Again and again, I go back to pray for its prophecy to come to life in today's Israel. Verses 16-17 today are in front of my eyes:

Thus says the Lord:

Refrain your voice from weeping, And your eyes from tears;
For your work shall be rewarded, says the Lord,
And they shall come back from the land of the enemy.
There is hope in your future, says the Lord,
That your children shall come back to their own border.

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