
July 13, 2024

SHABBAT. 281 days Swords of Irons War

Nahariya, Israel.

Six of one and half a dozen of the other...

Arye. Bus Boss. 
This is what today is like...

Summer heat is hard on Willie. While I relish it, feeling alive and staying away from the air-conditioners (a/c), Willie melts. When he leaves the house, he gravitates toward places with strong a/c, like malls and government buildings.

Today, he tried to get ready for our bus drive to the Haifa congregation. He even partially dressed and ate a touch of breakfast; but, as he set in his armchair with his eyes closed and spoke only one-syllable words, I realized that he would not make it down the stairs. I called and cancelled our pick-up. Rest, however, did not easily come by. The airplanes are on their way North all morning, some louder than others.

Our friends are praying for Willie as per my request, and also are praying now for the pilots, may God bring them back healthy and safe.

Six of one and half a dozen of the other, indeed.

I've been thinking about Arye, who has been organizing the transportation for our Khila for over 31 years. This is a specialized and vital ministry. We need to be together in a Khila, believers do not grow spiritually alone. We need the bus to get to services so we can also develop relationships with others who believe, and who are family in the faith.

    (Leviticus 26:7-8)

    You will chase your enemies, and they shall fall by the sword before you.

Five of you shall chase a hundred,

and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight;

your enemies shall fall by the sword before you.

The buses include pick-up from settlements by the North-West border, Maalot and Nahariya, at times they pick up people from the Krayot, as well as students from the Technion and Haifa University. Arye told us that in the past he hired 4 large buses, 75 people each and filled them up. Over time, people found other means of transportation and now he hires 4-5 minibuses. While the other buses pick up people from Haifa and the immediate area to the congregation building, “our” bus drives a 1+1/2 to 2-hour ride in each direction.

During the war, the ride is difficult and can be dangerous. However, on Shabbat, there are no other means of transportation if one doesn't have a vehicle. So Arye continues to be responsible for that ministry; making sure we have reliable drivers, (all Israeli Arabs since the Jews don't drive public transport on Shabbat), and safe buses with a/c in working order. Because of the long trip, he arranges for a quick stop in a Gas station (overseen by Israeli Arabs for the same reason), and to get up to the Khila in time for the service.

He makes sure that everyone who needs a ride back is placed on a bus in time. We've been blessed by that ministry for at least 7 or 10 years (I don't recall how long we've been going to Khilat Ha-Carmel), and while some people help out, none is taking over Arye's job. In his early 70s, no longer a healthy man, he could use another helper, but no one could do that job as precisely as it needed to be done. His dedication and continual service is commendable.

Please add Arye and the bus ministry to your prayers:

A recovery of health and strength for Arye and for his family.

A dedicated young and able person is needed to serve with Arye and help with the overseeing of the various routes.

The cost of hiring the buses plus drivers for a full day each week is very high. It went up since the war. Please pray for funds.

Safety on the roads especially during the war is most important. If sirens break, there is no shelter on the highways between the cities.

A continual bus ministry for everyone who needs it.

    (Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10a,12.)

    Two are better than one,
    Because they have a good reward for their labor.
    For if they fall, one will lift up his companion...

    Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

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