
July 16, 2024

TUESDAY. 284 days Swords of Iron War.

Nahariya, Israel

A new gadget

One of these weird days.

Woke up early. Bottle of water. Exercised for 10 minutes. Shower, shake, capsules, dress... run to the bus, the bus was 10 minutes late, and I had to take the next train.

On the train, met a friend I hadn't seen for months and we talked until she went down in Acco. Willie and I continued to Haifa. Entered APOS therapy and was talked to by a physiotherapist who is the best salesman I ever met. We prayed twice before Willie and I made the final decision, he still sold us a program for the next year and 3 months. We paid lots...

Went to the mall, ate Chinese (in Israel? Who has heard of Kosher egg roll?); we took the train back. Stopped at the mall to find an automatic post office, I was supposed to get a free smart watch... yea right.... nothing for me in those lockers, spend time locating the e-post people.. “we'll send you a number to open the box”, not here yet. 

Check the prices of new cellphones – only 8,000 shekel, or maybe 5,000, Willie is waiting for a word from God on this one.

Went to the bus stop, and the 8 bus passed by us... 20 minutes wait, top of the hour in heat; no taxi, so we walked... took 20 minutes home the next bus drove up the hill as we arrived.

Eating supper. Fed the cat. It is after 5 pm. I walked 7,333 steps today. Arranging doctor appointments and trying to find names for medications we are told to ask about. Willie in the shower – turn on the a/c – off to bed by 6 pm. Smart man.

I read my email – the evening group cancelled – I think I'll follow my fellow.

(Psalm 118:24) This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. 

Good night. 

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