
August 26, 2024

MONDAY the 325th day of Swords of Iron War.

 Nahariya, Israel. 26.08.2024.

Lamentations 3:22-23

Through the Lord’s mercies, we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.

Praying today for the medical staff who is taking care of the terrorists. These people have to look after the wounded from both sides. I've never thought of that before today, but they need prayers to be able to approach the terrorists without fear. To be able instead of feeling fear or anger, to show compassion and do the work they are trained to do even for the terrorists who killed and maimed their own people.

It is compassion that leads Israel to warn the people before they bomb an area; to give medical care to the enemies, and to send aid daily to Gaza, for many years before the terrorists attacked.

This morning I read about an American group who chanted “Long live October 7th". My heart was torn and physically hurt. These young people did not look nor sound Mideastern at all. They are White Americans. What motivates them to uphold horrors of mutilations and hate?

I wonder how would they feel if others started a movement that chants and demonstrates “Long Live 9/11” and promotes it around the world? 

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